Philosophers view on terrorism
Philosophers view on terrorism

philosophers view on terrorism philosophers view on terrorism

If the themes and ideas articulated in this book can help to shape a public (and not a merely academic) reflection on these issues, this book will accomplish more than being simply a welcome addition to philosophy of peace studies.” in: H-Net Reviews, March, 2009

philosophers view on terrorism

The essays here not only model how to ask the right questions, uncover unnoticed assumptions, and expose the contradictions between stated values and actual practices, but also point to alternative understandings of democracy, human rights, and intercultural dialogue. This book helps restore the social and political role of philosophers. The essays in this book demonstrate that professional philosophy need not be merely an academic pursuit written for a specialized audience but can demonstrate and model the skills needed for responsible and engaged citizenship. In addition, Presbey’s own contribution (one of the longer essays in the collection) provides a very useful overview-almost a timeline-of the policy decisions and justifications made during and after the buildup to the war in Iraq, the presumed “heart” of the “war on terrorism.” … takes up the task of restoring philosophical reflection as an integral part of public discourse traditionally valued by democratic societies.

Philosophers view on terrorism